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Master Course Student
at Augmented Intelligence(AI) Laboratory
from Kyung Hee University
contact with asdjklfgh97 at

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Short Bio

My name is Minkuk Kim, and I am currently an M.S. student at Kyung Hee University's Department of Artificial Intelligence, where I am part of the Augmented Intelligence(AI) Laboratory. My academic journey, under the guidance of Prof. Seong-Tae Kim, has been deeply rooted in the realms of computer vision and natural language processing, with a strong focus on multi-modal AI. My research interests are particularly concentrated on Multi-modal AI, Memory Augmented AI. In detail, Dense Video Captioning, Visual Question Answering and Video Processing.

Throughout my academic career, I have been involved in several significant research projects. Notably, my work on dense video captioning has led to the development of a model incorporating cross-modal memory retrieval, which was presented at CVPR 2024. Additionally, my research on memory-based video object segmentation has been published in the Image and Vision Computing journal. I am also actively engaged in visual question answering, exploring retrieval-augmented natural language reasoning.

My goal is to continue advancing the field of AI by developing innovative solutions that bridge the gap between visual and textual data, ultimately contributing to the creation of intelligent systems that understand and interact with the world more naturally and effectively.

Recent News

Jun. 2024 One paper got accepted to ICIP Workshop 2024!
Feb. 2024 One paper on Vision-Language Models got accepted to CVPR 2024!
Nov. 2023 One paper got accepted to Image and Vision Computing!